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Anupam 《ミ》λ≡

About aj


Founder Functional Programming India, Concur UI framework.

“It’s all fine, if the compiler says it’s fine”.
"Be irrational. Don't let the economists win"
"Rage against walled gardens"

#Haskell #Purescript #Rust #APL #FunctionalProgramming #Linux #Coffee #Robotics #3DPrinting #India #FOSS #Spanish #Japanese #Atheism

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Deadly stampede in Kumbh Mela. 7 dead, dozens injured. These are estimates being reported because the govt doesn't believe in releasing statistics that make them look bad.

It's not that hard. If you can't ensure a safe and secure event, don't organize one!

Unfortunately in India, lives of the common people are not important for the authorities.

#India #KumbhMela #Stampede

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The thing that worries me the most about India's future is the complete destruction of any intellectual support system.

Our universities are a sham, things like libraries or museums are non-existant, there are no quiet public spaces at all, no wonder our research output is in the dumps.

And the only people who can possibly effect a change - our students - are either planning to move out of India (if they are privileged), or are killing themselves under massive pressure to score in exams and join the rat race for a living.

And our capitalists are pontificating on 90hr work weeks. Don't be confused - if any of them was actually concerned about improving India's global position, they would try to fix the real problem instead of focusing on a non-solution that just happens to makes them even richer. Capitalism is a cancer.

#India #Education #Economy #Capitalism

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The first rule to follow when getting a new internet enabled device or gadget is to *NOT* update the software to the latest version.

Atleast hold off any updates until *after* you have read and internalized all the community created notes and information about the device on the internet, and explored the various #FOSS tricks and hacks created by people.

I have made this mistake several times. The most recent being updating my #Remarkable tablet to software version 3.16 which is unsupported by all the hacks and toolkits available online. Now I have to explore rolling back versions and potentially bricking my device.


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